Snuffles Breedable Pets in Second Life 78,172 Snuffles in Second Life, with 2,382 owners & growing! #snufflemania

Snuffle Burrows

Learn about this item

Snuffle Burrows are used to store and trade Snuffles. Burrows allow owners to set sell orders on the Snuffles Web Market!

Each Burrow shows the stats of the baby inside in hovertext. Initially a Burrow will only show limited information but if you re-burrow it more information will be shown.

If you don't want to keep the Burrow you can liberate it to get some Gold Tokens as a reward.


Setting sell orders, storing, liberate.

Snuffles Limited Edition Skin in Second Life

Snuffle Burrow

Snuffle Burrows are used to store and trade Snuffles.